

The Deep is a movie that deserves to be remembered and this site attempts to provide verifiable facts, free from publicity hyperbole, with sources where possible.  Some posts do not have links to sources bec ause some archives require a membership that cannot be directly linked to, such as Gale for example. Some books can be borrowed from with a free membership. Some photos are from obscure sources like search engine results or memorabilia sites where inventory is transitory and provenance often unreferenced.  If you are curious about a source that does not seem referenced please make contact and I will do my best to send it to you. thedeepfilminglocations(at) The Atlanta Journal and Constitution. (1977 18 June) Deep Yates. Barbara Thomas. p3-T. Ackland-Snow, T. (2018). Art of Illusion: Production Design for Film and Television. The Crowood Press. American Society of Cinematographers. (March 1977) On Location with The Deep American Cinematographer: The Internatio